Directed by Kenneth Kelleher and starring L. Peter Callendar as Holmes, "A Sherlock Carol" plays through Dec. 15 at San Jose Stage, 490 S.1st St., San Jose. Tickets are $17-$74; go to ...
RANDOLPH TWP. - Theatergoers seeking an evening of humor and surprises are invited to see Mark Shanahan’s “The Dingdong” at County College of Morris (CCM).
Mike Shanahan will wait at least another year for the Pro Football Hall of Fame. The winningest coach in Broncos history was ...
Could the San Francisco 49ers trade head coach Kyle Shanahan? One insider thinks the Chicago Bears should try to make the ...
ALBANY, N.Y. — Literally and figuratively, the Sherlock Holmes in Mark Shanahan’s “A Sherlock Carol” is a haunted figure — haunted by his past; surrounded by ghostly spirits. When he first appears in ...