"Dune: Prophecy" episode 3 focuses on young Tula Harkonnen's relationship with Orry Atreides. Star Emma Canning breaks down ...
A lot of questions have been asked since, like "Why are there no computers ?" or "Why is the Atreides-Harkonnen feud so ...
Prophecy, the HBO series’ deep dive into the Bene Gesserit’s history is very much an exploration of the Kwisatz Haderach’s ...
Dune: Prophecy‘s third episode went back decades to show why Raquella Berto-Anirul took young Valya Harkonnen under her ...
Dune: Prophecy brought back an important motif from the Dune films that pays homage to the dirtiest blood feud in the empire.
Prophecy, 'Sisterhood Above All,' is in the can. This one took us into the past as we explored the backstories of Valya and ...
Prophecy is different from the black-and-white world of Giedi Prime shown in Denis Villeneuve's movies. The Harkonnens are ...
The whole scene is shocking because it shows that, deep down, Tula didn't want to do any of that. She may agree with Valya ...