Numbers put us in the know. We saw that with COVID-19, and now again, with Rwanda snuffing out the Marburg virus outbreak in ...
A new study has revealed that daily oral antiretrovirals, like Truvada, are highly effective at preventing HIV when taken consistently alongside regular medical check-ups but their efficacy ...
The drug has been shown to be effective at preventing HIV infection but does not cure an existing HIV infection.
"Currently, there is no therapeutic cure for HIV," Sheryl Zwerski, who holds a Doctor of Nursing Practice and directs the Prevention Sciences Program at the National Institute of Allergy and ...
Gilead is going to start testing a drug it believes could prevent HIV infection with just a single shot every year.
More than 5,000 people diagnosed with HIV each year in Argentina, with 98% of all infections a result of unprotected sex.
Deaths from HIV/AIDS are ten times lower than at the peak of the epidemic, and new research could drive that down even more.