По данным доклада ЮНЕСКО, атаки против журналистов, освещающих вопросы окружающей среды, достигли небывалого уровня и ...
Grandes reportagens, biografias, memórias, romances. Em 2024, jornalistas brasileiros renovaram a aposta em textos longos ...
O segundo mandato de Trump promete trazer ameaças históricas à liberdade de imprensa nos EUA – diretamente do Salão Oval. O ...
Journalists are no strangers to the horrors of a blank page — staring at it, wanting to tear it apart and hoping words could ...
Научная журналистка из Чили Надя Политис побывала в самых дальних уголках земли — от Южного полюса с его пронизывающим ...
El periodismo atraviesa momentos difíciles en Latinoamérica, ya sea por el ataque y deslegitimación desde gobiernos ...
In many parts of the world, journalism is in crisis. The industry faces challenges on multiple fronts, from an uncertain ...
Sameer Roy* remembers vividly the excitement of joining a prominent Indian newsroom in New Delhi about five years ago, upon ...
Sameer Roy* se acuerda vívidamente de la emoción que sintió al incorporarse a una importante redacción india en Nueva Delhi ...
A desinformação é uma das ameaças mais significativas enfrentadas no mundo atualmente, de acordo com o Global Risks Report ...
Donald Trump’s second term promises to deliver historic threats to U.S. press freedom – directly from the Oval Office. The ...
Elections in West Africa since 2020 have resulted in peaceful democratic transitions in countries such as Liberia, Nigeria ...