The FDA has accepted the NDA for paltusotine for the treatment and long-term maintenance of acromegaly in adults.
A higher plant-to-animal protein (P:A) ratio is associated with a lower risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD).
Patients with obesity and comorbid cardiovascular disease were more likely to ration prescription drugs than those without obesity.
Adrenal mass malignancy predictors included rapid growth rate, hormonal overproduction, and right-sided laterality.
Small amounts of vigorous intermittent lifestyle physical activity (VILPA) are associated with significant reductions in the risk for major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) among nonexercising ...
Virtual orientations were associated with decreased referral-to-appointment wait times and no-show rates for pediatric obesity clinics.
Dysregulated metabolism of amino acids and fatty acids in the third trimester were associated with increased risk for T2D among patients with gestational diabetes. Dysregulated metabolic activity in ...
Behavioral intervention for weight loss was associated with reduced dietary intake of ultra-processed foods among adults with obesity.
Obesity and visceral fat are associated with measures of amyloid burden in the brain among cognitively normal midlife individuals.