Directed by Shao Yihui, the film’s mix of lighthearted comedy and serious themes has been well-received by both critics and audiences in China Following its domestic success, Her Story is set to hit ...
Young travelers and students are taking baggage customization to the next level by printing their faces onto suitcase covers For most travelers, losing a checked suitcase is a nightmare. But Chinese ...
While the US entertainment industry didn’t produce an Asian-centered breakout hit this year, Asian American actors tackled increasingly complex roles and director John M. Chu struck box office gold ...
The DJ and producer’s performance at Clockenflap last weekend provided the perfect showcase for his infectious, multicultural dance tracks A figure stands behind a table of electronic gear at Hong ...
Still seeking Christmas gift ideas? Here’s a list of RADII’s favorite gadgets from Asia, including smart home devices, wearables, action cams, and more It’s never too late for some last-minute gift ...
Accessible, fun, and with plenty of opportunities for socializing, pickleball is a hit with millennials and Gen Zs in Malaysia. Now the sport is gaining fans in Hong Kong and Shanghai too On a sunny ...
November brings new releases from established and emerging names like Lonely Leary, Voision Xi, Sleeping Dogs, and Fazi Clearly China’s musicians have been hard at work this year, because November ...
As Xiaohonshu-driven trend cycles reach dizzying speeds, weirdcore, temple-core, and more are bridging East and West, tradition and modernity In the grand theater of youth culture, Gen Z has perfected ...
The former gymnast’s dance videos in revealing outfits have sparked a cultural conversation on female autonomy and societal expectations — including an argument with Olympic gold medalist Guan ...
Though some seem to still hold fast to traditional values in regards to women’s rights, others are increasingly fighting back After a netizen made sarcastic remarks about 61-year-old dancer Yang ...
Though Darlie's English name changed in the 1980s, its racially-charged Chinese name has remained intact until today Darlie, the Chinese toothpaste brand infamous for its blackface packaging, will ...