In Brief It is critical that accounting professionals understand the crucial role Generative Artificial Intelligence (Gen AI) ...
In a landmark term for administrative law, the Supreme Court issued two opinions earlier this summer that will have ...
In Brief Chief financial officers of not-for-profit organizations have always faced many challenges, some common to all ...
Identify, protect, detect, respond, and recover: these words will be familiar to everyone who has attended a cyber-security-related update presentation at their organization, discussed cybersecurity ...
The recent multibillion-dollar investment by private equity in a major CPA firm reminded me of the concerns that I raised in ...
Like it or not, private equity is quickly changing the landscape of the public accounting profession. Some observers estimate ...
FASB News Public Input Sought on Proposed Tweak to Income Statement Expense Disclosure Rules FASB is seeking public input on ...
For employers struggling with the rising cost of health insurance and ancillary benefits, a self-funded healthcare platform ...
Identify, protect, detect, respond, and recover: these words will be familiar to everyone who has attended a ...