Mononoke the Movie: Phantom in the Rain tells the story of Asa and Kame, the new maids who are working in the Oo-oku. Asa ...
Gema Gathika wrote the lyrics to the song herself and is also credited as a vocal arranger. Duri Hati is Gema’s ninth ...
KAORI Nusantara visited the Ploopy Animations booth at CF19 and talked with studio representatives, Alexander Abel and ...
During the Comic Frontier 19, we had the opportunity to talk with Indonesian Voice actress Prinka Ashilla, better known by ...
On 16 November 2024, an Indonesian VTuber from Re:Memories, Pinku Rimu released her first original song titled Titik Temu.
Informative yet mentally exhausting, "Anime Supremacy!" is a chaotic film that present the behind the scene story of anime ...
Apa sajakah komik-komik yang akan diterbitkan Elex Media pada minggu kedua Desember 2024? Inilah beberapa bocoran dari Elex ...
Meski menyatakan graduate, namun Sakamata Chloe akan tetap berafiliasi dengan hololive. Apa yang akan terjadi selanjutnya ya?
Setelah membuka cabang pertamanya di Carstensz, CPCM di Pluit Village berhasil melakukan Grand Openingnya pada tanggal 30 ...